Administrative records of the Joint Legislative Committee on Statutory Implementation of the Constitution of 1963. 1963-1966 (10 in.). Mainly memoranda, executive orders, copies of correspondence and reports of sub-committee action. Includes workpapers of bills and amendments, text of proposed and passed bills, analysis of bills, general correspondence, statements and reports. See Appendix I for organization chart of the executive branch of state government, January 12, 1966. Arranged alphabetically by subject. Records of Interim Study Committee on Slaughter Houses and Meat Inspection. 1962-1965 (10 in.). General administrative records include letters in, carbons of letters out, drafts of text and amendments, analysis and text of bills as introduced for passage. Includes replies to survey questionnaires, 1964; minutes of meetings, 1963-1964; magnetic tape recording of hearing, 1964; and nearprint and printed reports and statements used for reference. Arranged alphabetically by subject.